#TastyTuesday – Meal Planning….Again!

Today’s #TastyTuesday is a bit unconventional compared to those in the past. After being gone all weekend with T (more about that later), I have no recipes to feature and I’m actually at the point of needing to meal plan again! My family loves to eat and I love to try new things, but the boys (all three of them) are not always brave, so I have to be careful when meal planning. So, today I thought I’d share with you some tricks for meal planning, how I choose recipes for meal planning, and some of the recipes that I’m going to plan for.

Here are my 3 easy steps for meal planning:

  1. Meal Plan Before You Grocery Shop! Having made this mistake in the past, I can tell you that this is where you have to start.  Find your recipes, compare the ingredients to those in your cupboard as to not overspend when shopping (we’re all on a budget, right?)  and to properly use what you have in your pantry!!
  2. Don’t Overlook the Classics!  I will be the first to admit that I have a tendancy to overlook the classic recipes.  I love making new recipes so much that I forget to make the things that my guys love!  I have now started meal planning by referencing my recipe box and picking out several recipes first and then fill in the blanks with new recipes. (If I’m only planning 1 week, then I’ll pick about 2 recipes.  If I’m planning 2 weeks or more I will pick 4-5 recipes.)  Traditionally the classic recipes can also utilize several ingredients in your pantry to also help you keep costs low!
  3. Create A Plan – once you’ve determined what you will make and you have all the ingredients, then it’s time to create a game plan.  I strongly suggest mixing up and putting together as much as possible at one time.  If you can dedicate a couple hours on a weekend this is best (at least if you work full-time like myself).  Mix up and put together as many meals as possible and stash them away in the freezer for later use!  This will make cooking suppers on a week night even more simple than just straight meal planning!

Now, that I’ve taken my own first two tips into consideration I have selected the following items for the next couple weeks (a few of these are carried over from previous plans)!


Now that I’ve selected my meals and done my grocery shopping, I am going to spend some time tonight putting as many together as possible!  What’s on your plan right now?  Good luck with your meal planning!

Remember, to help the Sheffield Public Library and Comment for a Cause!

#TastyTuesday – Meal Planning – Taco Casserole

I love having everything planned and in the house for suppers! This recipe is one that I had in the freezer from a couple weeks ago.

This recipe comes from my 4th grade teacher, Lois D. When I was in 8th grade my mom had some major surgeries and our friends from church arranged lots of meals to be delivered! Lois D went to our church and brought this casserole over along with the most amazing ice cream dessert! It’s been a favorite of mine ever since and I think your family will like it too!taco casserole

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#TastyTuesday – Meal Planning – Smothered Ribeye Steak

Last weekend on Sunday I was feeling adventurous. I wanted to try my hand at a few things and test some things out. I had thawed out some ribeye steaks and bought baby red potatoes at the store because those are a favorite of T’s. My goal was to recreate a summer-time meal of steak and roasted potatoes. I looked through my recipe box and decided to combine a couple different things to come up with a marinade of sorts for the steak.  Here is what I came up with!


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#TastyTuesday – Meal Planning Part 3 – Meatball Sub Casserole

I have to admit that I’ve been really enjoying the fruits of my meal planning! It’s great to know that I have all the ingredients for a recipe OR have the meal already made up and in the freezer. Last week we continued our adventure in our selection of recipes.  Monday night we utilized the benefits of having all the ingredients in the house! I whipped up a half batch of Meatball Sub Casserole as it was just T & I. Continue reading

#TastyTuesday – Meal Planning, Part #2 – Chicken Lasagna

Last week I started on our adventure of meal planning. (Read about the prep here!) Since then, we have tried 3 of the recipes that I initially mentioned in that post: Chicken Lasagna and Cowboy Lasagna were a hit.  I’m going to spare you the recipe for 3 Cheese Chicken Alfredo Bake as it was a MAJOR fail!  I’d actually like to try it again, but with my own take on things.  Until then, you won’t be seeing the recipe on my blog!  Continue reading