Beer Soaked Porkchops

Beer, pork…hello? How can that not equal good? The other morning I set out with a package of frozen boneless pork ribeyes and knew that I didn’t want to do our normal grilling (grill with Cavendars seasoning) and wondered what I could come up with fast (I needed to leave for work in a matter of 5 minutes).  So, I looked in my fridge and cupboards and decided what the heck, let’s give this a try!

Beer Soaked Porkchops

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#TastyTuesday – Meal Planning – Smothered Ribeye Steak

Last weekend on Sunday I was feeling adventurous. I wanted to try my hand at a few things and test some things out. I had thawed out some ribeye steaks and bought baby red potatoes at the store because those are a favorite of T’s. My goal was to recreate a summer-time meal of steak and roasted potatoes. I looked through my recipe box and decided to combine a couple different things to come up with a marinade of sorts for the steak.  Here is what I came up with!


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#TastyTuesday – Meal Planning, Part #1

This past couple of weeks has been a rough one for T & I. Not for us as a couple in marriage, but for eating! Between many activities and events for the boys as well as our own meetings and indecisions, we’ve not been successful planning meals and executing them. I’m embarrassed to admit that our meals have ranged from Subway to Hamburger Helper to steak & potatoes. We’ve been bad about getting meat out of the freezer ahead of time and planning our meal! So, I was dedicated to making a change this weekend.

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